Los Angeles County Sheriff Department Files


Los Angeles County Sheriff Department Files


Salazar, Ruben


This collection includes documents obtained from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office regarding the death and alleged murder of Ruben Salazar on August 29, 1970, during the Chicano Mortarium, and the investigation that took place in the days after.


Los Angeles County Sheriff Department (LASD)


Los Angeles County Sheriff Department (LASD) Files, Chicano Studies Research Center, University of California, Los Angeles.




UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center


Public Domain





Collection Items

Cover of Ruben Salazar Death Report
A full report describing the incident that led to Ruben Salazar's death at the Silver Dollar Bar on Whittier Blvd. Details of the autopsy of Ruben Salazar indicted tear gas projectile instantaneously killed him at the scene.

News Contact Information
Contact information for Channel 2 KNXT, Channel 4 KNBC, and Channel 5 KTLA

Conclusion of the Inquest into Death of Ruben Salazar-Index
Office Correspondence between Detective Division and Assistant Sheriff about conclusion of Salazar Inquest. Index and supplementary reports.

Reports supplied to U.S. Attorney
Office Correspondence between Detective Division and Assistant Sheriff about reports supplied to U.S. Attorney Meyers.

Report from Inspector Sherman Block
Office correspondence between Detective Division and Assistant Sheriff about Inspector Sherman Block's report.

Coroner's Inquest
Office correspondence between Administrative Services Bureau and Administrative Division about Coroner's inquest.

Draft of Salazar Death Report
A detailed draft of Salazar's Death

Unknown written notes.

Conclusion of the Inquest into Death of Ruben Salazar
Office correspondence between Detective Division and Assistant Sheriff about Inquest into the death Ruben Salazar.

Witness Statements
Statements from various witnesses.

Closing statements during press conference
Closing statements during Channel 34 Press Conference.

Transcript of Tape Recorded Interview
Transcript of tape recorded interview conducted 8/31/1970.

Recorded statements about the Person Dead-Riot case
Transcripts of tape recorded statements of what occurred at the Silver Dollar.
View all 19 items
